Easy methods for selling at petrol pumps and car parks
Hare Krsna
How nice it is to read the stories of devotees like Veda Narayana das, who is distributing books on his way home from work, and at the store when he stops to buy cherries. If only all our devotees could take the time to just add book distribution into their lives in this very simple and glorious way, imagine how many books we could distribute! The distribution would increase so far – to all the little roadside gas stations and supermarktes of the world! And all the devotees would get a taste of the nectar, not just those who are able to dedicate to full time book service.
I urge everyone to encorage all the devotees to keep a box of books in their car and to try to distribute in this way. We can preach about this to congregational devotees in the temple programs.
One of my favourite places to distribute is at the gas station (in australia we call it petrol station). When my husband stops to get fuel I go around to the other cars at the pumps and ask the drivers to take books. The response is always great. thats because 1) they most likely have money -they have a car and are about to buy fuel, so they can't be penniless. 2) they have time – they are just standing, bored, putting fuel in the car. So you dont have to convince them to stop as they rush by in the street, you can just make a casual presentation to them as they stand there, or to their partners waiting in the car. It is a great method. We often drive off with much of our petrol paid for just from the books I distributed while we were filling up. ALso its good for busy devotees, I find it easy to be confident about distributing when I know that we are just doing a quick 10 minute blitz! I am thinking to try a full day at a petrol station soon. We once did so well, that we stayed about 45mins and made around $150 australian, with so many big books and also cook books sold.
Also, quick moments of distribution while your partner is buying the groceries / post office / bank etc, eg while you are waiting in the car park, this method is estatic and easy to get a good handful of books distributed. We should encourage everyone who thinks they are too busy, with practical tips like these, which are also easy on the fearful maya ridden mind! We have to use easy methods to trick our minds – then more books can be sold for Srila Prabhupada's pleasure.
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Krsna Rupa Devi Dasi