Ecstatic Symptoms from Book Distribution

Ecstatic Symptoms from Book Distribution

In continuation to our report on library book distribution, here are some of this week's orders that we've received. Every time we get an envelope and I see which remote library in India has ordered Prabhupada's books, all the ecstatic symptoms appear as if I were with Prabhupada again telling him our book scores. So here is some of the nectar, and I pray that whoever is able to, please send us addresses of schools in your zone to help expand this programme. This system could also work outside of India. If anyone wants a sample of the package we send the libraries, please write.

The Indian Army's elite Raksha Seva Staff College in Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu ordered 7 books.

Karauli District Library (where the original Sri Madan Mohan deity of Srila Sanatana Goswami resides) ordered 20 books.

Ranchi Veterinary College ordered a full set of Caitanya Caritamrta and other books.

V.L. College of Pharmacy in Raichur, Karnataka ordered 10 books.

King George Medical University, Lucknow, ordered 15 books.

Bikaner University ordered 15 books.

Cambridge School, St.James School, Delhi Public School, Hansraj School, and Green Fields School, all in the Delhi vicinity, each made large orders for their libraries. Some of these schools also bring their students to see the Delhi temple Vedic Expo museum so have had good experience with the philosophy of Krishna consciousness.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to book distribution!

Your Servant,

Daivisaktidevi Dasi

Author: admin

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