Eighty-year-old Esther invested in an entire spiritual library for her family.
After she bought a $50 stack, a variety of Prabhupada’s books, she went inside the warehouse, came back out and asked for another $50 stack, to give to her family as a present. I had a better present in mind. I introduced her to the Srimad-Bhagavatam set, which she fell in love with and decided to get that for her family instead.
Esther was so impressed with the books and the knowledge they offer. She’s a real seeker who recently lost her husband and has become a vegetarian. She told us she will throw out all the books on her family’s shelf and replace them with Prabhupada’s books!
Photo attached.
Your servant,
Hriman Krishna dasa
P.S. This is the seventh Srimad Bhagavatam set for the Krsna Balaram bus party in NZ’s South Island.