Even prison cannot stop sankirtan
Recently, we distributed books in southwest Germany, in Offenburg.
We have a devotee there, Peter. On account of his criminal past, he was caught by the police and put into jail a few month ago. I met a person in Offenburg on sankirtan who said that his uncle studies our kind of books and preaches to him about their importance. It turns out that his uncle is Peter. The person happily took a Bhagavatam.
Then, on the way back to our van, Adhokshaja Prabhu had met another person, who had just got released from jail the day before, and Peter had preached to him. So he also bought books, a Bhagavatam and a Gita.
Srila Prabhupada's transcendental book distribution marathon, ki jaya!
Ys, Advaita Gaurahari Dasa
Heidelberg, Germany