Excerpt from the Los Angeles Sastra Dana newsletter
Oh, your intense love for me. I am living for you. All over the world everything is going on. Money is coming and being spent. And I don’t have to worry. I am so much indebted. And I am taking much service from you all. That is a brhad-mrdanga; I am beating from my room and the sound goes ten thousand miles away. (Quotation 28 in Just As I Have Shown You (Mayapur, 1986))
Without literature, how can we enlighten the people at large? My Guru Maharaja used to say that the printing press is the brhaad-mrdanga. Just like we are playing mrdanga. This mrdanga can be vibrated in the neighboring quarter, but our mrdanga, Back to Godhead, that will go far, far away. So therefore this press was considered by my Guru Maharaja as brhad-mrdanga. …So this press propaganda, this literary propaganda, is required because Krishna consciousness is not sentiment. It is not that some sentimental people have gathered here and are dancing and chanting. No. There is background. There is philosophical background. There is theological understanding.
(Srila Prabhupada June 11, 1969, Lecture)