Fire in Brasil!!!!


Dear Devotees!
Pamho, agtSP
I have very very good news from Brasil!!

I´m living in Sao Paulo, the 3rd biggest city of the world with 24 million people. Sao Paulo won the world sankirtan maraton 2 times. And i think is one of the best places to do book distribution!

But for the last 4 or 5 years we didn´t had a good sankirtan party. Now in Sao Paulo, after my Gurumaharaja (HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami) give me enthusiasm to do Book distribution and try to atract more brahmacharis to the Temple, we are restarting the Sankirtana! Last week we did a little maraton with 6 new bhaktas that are in the fire of Sankirtana! The result were amazing! We distributed more than 1500 books!!! Everybody is in extasis here! 4 of these bk. are on the New Gokula Farm doing the bk. program and they will come in december to the maraton and the others 2 bk. are from Sao Paulo and they will come to live at our Temple as brahmacharis!

We will have a good Sankirtan Party for the next year…All the congregation are enthusiastic about it!

The fire is starting again in Brasil!

Your servent,
Prana Natha das

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