From Janananda Maharaja our ever-youthful Swami
In France, this month, we have distributed around 3500 books so far- AH! but that does not include many of our devotees around the country – this is just amongst the devotees in New Mayapura and Paris. And it is interesting to note that the devotees from New Mayapura are only 10 book points behind the devotees from Paris at this stage, with one day to go. We intend to distribute as late as we can today, depending on the Lord, our strength, determination, how crazy it becomes and the strikes.
A great way to see the year out
Pass Srila Prabhupada’s books out. whilst much of the world is wollowing in sense gratifiaction in complete illusion, devotees have the wonderful opportunity to inject transcendental knowledge into their hearts by simply connecting them to Srila Prabhupada and Krsna through Srila Prabhupada’s books.
How wonderfully auspicious it would be to flood the world on this day with countless literatures. This would be the best celebration. Not to minimize the nice gatherings of devotees who gather on this occasion to sing and chant together. The joy and spiritual benefit of going out and dsitribtuing books, the holy name and prasadam is incomparable – the higher taste we are all hankering for.
“I am extremely happy to hear that a firm of young lawyers are now working with us to help us spread this movement by helping us to flood the world with our books. This is very welcome news. Things are looking very favorable for us, now we simply have to try even harder to sincerely carry out Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s orders and He will be pleased to provide us with more and more facilities. Co-operate nicely with one another and strongly push on this mission by printing and distributing our books in unlimited quantity.
Letter to: Ramesvara — Melbourne 19 May, 1975
Enough said we have to get ready for the last day of this years marathon. Get the bags packed, find out how to get to our spots amidst the karmi strikes, how to keep going till late, how to get the books there.
Next years marathon starts tommorrow. January 1st – Resolution? – you guessed.
Hare Krsna.