From Sankirtana dd “Cookie mercy”

Cookie mercy

I went out a few days just before Christmas but not since. It was so ecstatic, that it has me wanting MORE!!!! I have one small story to relate. I was in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and approached a man (around 20 or so) with a small book, (Coming Back), and asked him If he has any opinions on reincarnation. He said yes, but was looking at the book very suspiciously. Then says "wait a minute, what religion is this?" I said, it's the Hare Krishnas… He immediately put his hands out in front of him and said with firm conviction "I don't want any cookies!" I said "good, because I don't happen to have any on me anyway, but what's wrong with Hare Krishna cookies, I've been eating them for over 25 years!?" He was still up in arms, and said, " All I know is that whenever any of my friends ate one of your cookies, their lives changed….I don't need that" I asked what he meant by "changed", and he was like, I don't know, but they were just never the same…." I just had to put my arms in the air and say YES. He did agree to take the book, and gave a donation. I was high all day thinking of all the little cookie bombs that have been detonated in so many of the conditioned souls hearts around the world, and how those souls are now waiting for the next step. We have to give them these books come hell or high water.

Author: admin

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