Giving Krishna to Relatives

Distributing Prabhupada books to relatives

If you want to distribute many books or you lack scores for the marathon, Your relatives are the best ones to distribute many big books. For that purpose you cannot sell books to them, but you can collect donations and give sets of books as a gift. Christmas marathon is the best time to give spiritual gifts to Your relatives. Believe me, they will take them if they love You and You really want to give those books to them. Krishna says in "Krishna Book" that His devotee's ten generations before and after are already liberated. What does it mean? It means that Krishna gives His promise. So why should we waste valuable time? Be quick and determined. Help Krishna to fulfil His promise as soon as possible. If the relatives are already liberated there is no loss. They will surely take Krishna, but You have to be intelligent and give everyone what he needs for Krishna. If Your brother is a demon let him always repeat Krishna's name in horror that You are a "krishnaite". If another brother avoids You because You are the "krishnaite", always try to be in his view to remind him about Krishna. Even not associating with you he always remembers the reason: because you are Krishna's follower. Somehow or other they always think about you and Krishna's name, therefore progress. But not all relatives are demons, right? Some are very religious, someone is interested in healthy life or like delicious prasadam. Still you can always find the reason to give them books and influence to read them.

During Christmas I packed ten sets of "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" and other big books to give as a gift to each my relative. It does not matter that they are a family, but they have to have their own set. Two relatives had their birthdays between Christmas and New Year. It was big occasion to receive big gifts. I called each of them and told that I will leave great gift for them at my aunt's house. No need to waste my time travelling to each house. They were very happy to hear the news and waited for the gift.

At my uncle and aunt's house I arrived with heavy load. Ten sets of Prabhupada's books. Then I started to bring each set into the house. First I congratulated uncle and aunt with New Year and her birthday telling that this gift is especially for her, because she has double holiday. She was happy to see me and my words impressed her. When she saw so many books for her she became excited how expensive gift I was bringing to her! Then out of a sudden she recognised that it was all about Krishna. She was my christian mother of christian religion. She told: "Will I read them?" I happily replied: "Of course, this is the biggest library of spiritual wisdom, the most ancient scriptures. If You just hold them at home, they will bring You much happiness." She was impressed with my devotion and eagerness. "Maybe give me one book". "No," I replied. "One book will not bring You happiness, but the complete set will make Your home the spiritual world". She smiled, she liked my words and determination. Then I brought another set for my cousin, put one more for another cousin, then even one more for another cousin, her children. There was no place anymore on the table, only books, books. And the same ones. Sets of the same books. She sat silently and looked at my gifts. Many "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" made her house transcendental, the mood in the house became transcendental. The aunt happily accepted all books and started to prepare the table to receive guests. Probably feeling the divine gift for him the cousin called my aunt, his mother, at the time. Without any introduction she happily started to tell him that I brought great gift which was very expensive. He became curious what was the gift. The aunt looked at me not knowing how to explain. "Tell that I brought him the library of the most ancient books in the world, wisdom of life. Translated from the most ancient language sanskrit, language of Gods. I want him to become very wise." She repeated my words. The cousin asked: "Are they about Krishna?" The aunt said "yes". Because previous explanation was impressive, the cousin told "ok" and changed the subject matter. Of course, all relatives had few books from me during previous holidays and knew what are they about. But the way I presented made them unresisting.

The job was done, everyone had so many Prabhupada's books, the whole set. Now how to make them to read? This job usually does Krishna, but You can help Him, He will be very happy for Your service. I was talking to one of my cousin and she was very much careful about her health. I found articles and texts from scriptures about health issues and told her to read them. Every day finding something new I was telling her about Krishna. In this way she opened the books and read about the matters she was interested. Another cousin had problems with family, I told her to find the answer in "Shrimad-Bhagavatam". Sometimes I merely give advices, telling that they can read more about it in Prabhupada's books. They have the whole library at home, now it is the time to guide them. And relatives are very close to do that. Krishna personally helps to fulfil His promise.

Sometimes I bring prasadam, sometimes I preach about spices and vegetarian dishes selling spices and incenses. You have to be creative to deal with the relatives Krishna conscious way, to help the family spiritually and to be the spiritual master without their knowing. Friendly and closely, as family. Many times you start thinking that your efforts do not bring results when you see that they continue living their own lives. But it is only your mind, you do not trust your efforts and Krishna. One day when we interred my father, out of a sudden my mother told me her own opinion. Everyone has his opinion, but you can only help him to make it right with your spiritual behaviour, and never pushing. "Who will take care of his grave? My son interred my husband, but I personally want to be cremated. Then it will be more space on earth. No need to look after plants which are growing here." I was so happy to hear that, therefore I agreed: "Yes, I want to be cremated too and, please, throw my ash into holy Ganges river so that I could go to the spiritual world." She did not reply, but she was listening and thinking. I am sure next time mother will repeat my words. Because they are true, from Lord Krishna's mouth. And nobody can resist Him, only agree.

Once my mum was talking about bad government. I told her: "Please, read about very good government in the first Canto of "Shrimad-Bhagavatam". She asked me: "Do I have this book?" I told "yes, it is of blue colour". Then she replied: "I will read this book, it is interesting". It was the first time she told me the book was interesting. Usually those books were lying on the shelves or even she tried to do "sankirtan" to distribute them to her friends to get rid of them or to get money. Sometimes she was successful. And I was bringing her new ones. Great! Books are travelling, because they are Krishna. Somehow during Purushottama month I asked my mum if she could bring me the second part of the first Canto of "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" I left at her house. She brought. Then at the day which was very auspicious to donate "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" to brahmanas (I am a brahmana), my mother again came and brought me the first part of the first Canto of "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" I gave her to read. I was surprised and blissful. She gave me as donation the only "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" she had thinking that I do not have it. With such behaviour she got Purushottama's blessings. I accepted it and at the end of the day when she was leaving I told her: "Please, take another book of the same "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" to read. Did You want to read it?" She replied "yes". Mother happily left with another book of "Shrimad-Bhagavatam". After this so called co-incidence how can anyone say that Krishna does not lead the parents of His devotees to spiritual world? Family doesn't know why, but they do spiritual activities unconsciously, because Krishna residing in the heart tells them to do that to get divine results and to make His promise work.

By Jagat Kirti Devi Dasi from Europe, Lithuania (JPS)

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