Gurudev Sends Help
Recently I was distributing on a college campus in San Diego CA. In the middle of the day Kali sent a fanatical Christian lady to disturb my service. About thirty seconds into our discussion I detected her envious purpose and ended the conversation, but she continued hounding me.
I walked away to continue my distribution, but she followed me around, heckling me and cheering when students would pass up my offer. If a student showed interest, she would walk up and spoil the atmosphere. She was very eager to share her realizations on Satan and eternal damnation.
Distressed that she was impeding the flow of Lord Caitanya's mercy, I prayed to practically every acarya, avatar, and Vaishnava I could think of. The next man I approached was an effervescent fellow in his thirties who worked at the school as a computer technician and practiced popular yoga. Fortunately, he had been a fan of the devotees for many years.
When the fanatic came up to unleash her venom, I bit my lip, mentally praying and chanting. To my surprise, the man started mocking her and pointing out the flaws in her logic. I stood there quietly, letting him do the job. Throughout their encounter she showed herself to be a sentimental fanatic.
He laughed at her and, turning to me, asked, "Can I give you a donation and take a book? I really want that one. Hare Krishnas are awesome, loving people." He gave $20 and took a Gita, thanking me and apologizing for the disturbance. Later, he came back to give me another $15 and take more books, clearly relishing the look of dismay on the face of my Christian fanatic.
Shortly thereafter I remembered His Grace Vijay Prabhu's advice on escaping hecklers: I pulled out my phone and, faking a phone call, asked the Christian lady to wait right there for the police to arrive. She quickly scurried away.
Sankirtana-yajna ki jaya!
Your Servant,
Krishna Kumara Dasa
San Diego