Have you been saved?

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Once I was busy distributing books in Croydon, south of London. Another devotee was on the other side of the street. It was quite tough out there because the pavement was narrow and people could easily see us giving out books, so they were avoiding us like the plague.

Suddenly I heard a woman's voice bellowing out to me, 'Hey boy, have you been saved?'

A fat black mama was right in my face with an intent look. Since I have been saved by Patita Pavana, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I didn't think that I was deceiving her in any way when I quickly replied, 'Yes, I've been saved!'

She replied in a satisfied tone, 'Praise the Lord!'

She then asked whether I'd read the good book (Bible).

I quickly responded, 'Oh, yes, I've read the very good book and guess what?'

She looked at me with anticipation.

'The good Lord has chosen you to do something very special today.'

She said 'No!'

I said 'Yes! I've got these good books that I'm giving out with the message of our Lord.'

She looked at the books: The Perfection of Yoga and Beyond Birth and Death. I said, 'These are the words of the Lord and He has chosen you to help me deliver the fallen souls today. Glory hallelujah, sister!'

I handed her a few books and said, 'Give these out to everyone and ask for a small donation and the good Lord will bless you'.

She took the books from my hand and enthusiastically proceeded to distribute Lord Chaitanya's message. After a short time, she came back and said, 'These books are very special, I can feel the Lord's presence when I'm given them out'.

I was very, very happy to see this sincere soul get Lord Gauranga's mercy in such a nice way. She asked me for more books, and I gave her five more. I was amazed to see the Lord engage this soul in the highest welfare work (para upakar). Finally, when she said she had to go, she gave me the laxmi and a couple of remaining books.

I said, 'Today you've done a great thing and the Lord will bless you and your family. Jesus will be so pleased with your work today!'

She said goodbye and and thanked me for letting her give out those books, and then she disappeared in the crowd. Jesus will be very pleased with her for distributing Srila Prabhupada's transcendental books.

Srila Prabhupada's transcendental book distribution, ki jay!

Your Servant,

Sakhyarasa Prema Dasa

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