I Am From Hell
by Omkara Dasa
Last weekend Bhrigupati, Prema Sankirtana, Dvarakesh Prabhus, and I traveled up north to Santa Rosa, California for a three-day music festival.
When we arrived at the Harmony Festival, I saw one person that was covered with a lot of tatoos; including an insignia of devil worship, an upside-down pentagram, and piercings, etc. I called him over and introduced myself and asked him where he was from.
"I AM FROM HELL!!" he snarled at me.
"Wow, that's great!" I exclaimed, and I proceeded to describe that the books I had were about yoga and meditation and I showed him the pictures.
He then softly muttered to himself, "I actually like yoga and meditation."
He gave me a donation and took the books. With tears in his eyes he thanked me from the bottom of his heart for having been there that day and giving him the opportunity to purchase such wonderful books.