In Every Town And Village

Two large volumes of the original Krsna Book

I am travelling in a remote part of Eastern Canada, in the province of Nova Scotia, about 14 hrs from the nearest temple. I arrived in a town known as New Glasgow, and walked into a new age boutique known as the White Lotus. I showed the owner the two large volumes of the original Krsna Book, explaining that these were 94 chapters of the superhuman histories of Lord Krsna when he resided on the planet for 125 yrs, 5000 yrs ago. I also presented her with the hardbound Bhagavad Gita, and Perfection of Yoga and Beyond Birth and Death. I told her that just having these books in her store would give her great blessings and bestow freedom from karma just having them there. She happily purchased them all.

Then I went across the street to the Public Library and asked the staff if I could meet the Head Librarian. He was a friendly young man. I told him that I had become a Hare Krishna monk 34 yrs ago, and that I was a representative for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, the world's greatest publishers of Eastern Classics. I showed him the eulogies of all the scholars and professors who praised Srila Prabhupada's Gita and aksed if he had any budget for purchasing them. I told him these books were so valuable that I would sponsor them to be placed in the library if they did not have a budget, but he said that he was sure that they did. I told him that George Harrison had donated $ 19,000 to print it and showed his introductory words, and he said he loved the Beatles and was impressed by George's endorsment.

He said he would take them to the purchaser to be met with his approval. I came back a few hours later and they had all been accepted , and payment was given. There are still thousands of such libraries awaiting the arrival of Prabhupada's books, so we have our service cut out for us. Who knows who will become a devotee from reading them ?

Then I walked up the street to the local health food store and made friends with the owner. I praised her for helping to put people in a more sattvic state with herbs and vegetarian based products. She responded with gratitude. I left her with a Bhagavad Gita to read, explaining how this entire world is divided into the three modes of nature, and that she should read the 14th and 17th chapters first. She was fascinated, and agreed to do it.

The next day I returned and asked her if she had any children and she said she had two small children 2 and 5. I told her that the Krsna Books were the best bedtime stories that she could read to her boys, and that they would become great saints and or yogis by growing up and hearing about the superhuman feats of the Supreme Hero. I explained how Spider Man and so many fictional characters try to replace people's natural need to glorify a great personality, but by hearing about Krsna, people derive great purification, but not with fictional heros. She appreciated that I was concerned about her boys and gave a nice donation for all the books.

All three parties responded with enthusiasm to attend kirtan and prasadam at the home of a local South Indian devotee family, Vikram and Keerthi, that I met at the food store who offered to host everyone.

Sankirtan yajna ki jai !

Your Servant,

Gaura Dasa

Author: admin

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