Krishna Fest FM
Hare Krishna, dear devotees!
I was distributing books in Hamilton, New Zealand, early one sunny morning. I do not normally have much success distributing to middle-aged people, but after a few nice exchanges with younger people I approached a thoughtful-looking middle-aged gentleman with a beard. He was very keen to see the Bhagavad-gita, explaining that he considered himself a Buddhist and had always been interested in spiritual topics. After we had enjoyed a short discussion he made a nice donation and took his copy of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. As he departed, he asked if he could give me his daughter's phone number and enthusiastically recommended I contact her. His daughter was the manager of a local non-commercial radio station called Community Radio Hamilton, and he was pretty sure she would want to interview me about Krishna consciousness.
The next day I contacted the daughter, who was eagerly awaiting to hear from me. Like her father, she was keenly interested in spiritual topics, and so we arranged to meet. A few days later she came to the Krishna House, our local centre in Hamilton, to discuss her ideas with Hriman Krishna Prabhu (aka The General) and myself over some of Bhakta Sean's knockout Turkish delight. She was so impressed by Krishna consciousness that after the interview she said that she not only wanted to do regular interviews with us on her radio show but that she wanted us to do an hour-long weekly show of our own! Thus since March we've been broadcasting "Krishna Fest" every Sunday morning from 10:00 to 11:00. We aim to introduce listeners to the lifestyle, science, art, and culture of Krishna consciousness. The shows can be heard in Hamilton and the Waikato region. Fortunately, interested parties from further afield can listen via live Internet streaming. Krishna Fest shows are now also available as downloadable podcasts from We would be very grateful for any feedback from the devotees as to how we can improve the show; please spread the word to any bhaktas who may want to listen to our humble efforts.
Since we've launched the show, several listeners have come to our programs, bought books, and even requested japa beads. Sankirtan leads to more Sankirtan!
You can never predict what will blossom from an exchange.
Transcendental radio ki jaya!
Your servant,
Bhakta Chi