Krishna is the master of Timing
Last week we were on travelling sankirtana in middle Finland. Muniraja Prabhu and I visited a small town, Saarijarvi, known for its yoga school. We did not meet many yogis, there but we were engaging in the supreme yoga by distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books.
After the break I was not feeling very sharp. Some books went out, but I was not really concentrating on the service. I was in a big parking lot. Suddenly I saw someone hit our sankirtana van with his trailer. The van received some minor scratches.
A man emerged from his car, asking, "Is this your van?"
He was a big man, but his voice sounded kind. He gave 50 euros for the damage. I phoned Muniraja Prabhu so he could come and see the situation. While we were waiting for him, I explained to the man that we were monks from Helsinki distributing books. The man was slightly positive and was especially interested in the concept of simple living and high thinking.
When Muniraja Prabhu arrived, after a short negotiation we agreed to take the 50 euros from the man. Then I handed the man a Bhagavad-gita: "You should have one of these!"
The man asked: "How much do you want for it?"
I was not expecting more donations, so I was surprised by his generousity. He gave a 20.
From this we see how any contact with sankirtana can be auspicious.
Later I saw two big men standing on the parking lot. I presented the larger one with the Bhagavad-gita: "Here is a big book for a big man."
He was a nice fellow, but he said he is not a reader. However he said that his wife likes to read.
His cell-phone rang. He said something about yoga.
Then he said, "My wife called me. She wants the book about yoga. I guess she met one of you earlier today."
He was happy to take the Bhagavad-gita and also took SSR and Teachings of Queen Kunti.
This sankirtana-movement is the greatest benediction for the humanity at large. By the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda even simple neophytes like myself can have wonderful experiences of the presence of Lord Krishna.
Hoping to become your servant,
Avadhutacandra das