Krishnas idea

Srimad Bhagavatam

hare krishna prabhus and matajis, please accept my humble obeisances all glories to srila prabhupada

Sankirtan ki jay Everytime i can read some of your trancendental adventures i am really inspired and want to go out immediatly – THANK YOU all for sharing

I was two days uninspired because since some time i am thinking:I really want to meet people who take the books seriously- i want to experience the effect of the books and my service…and nothing happend? – in this way i was challenging krishna- foolish like i am and then after two days space out and no distribution–

We were on the coast of eastgermany a town called schwerin and in the morning i unconciously pulled out the SB-Set (1to10.1)and placed it reachable – somehow i made a joke to ramananda gopal prabhu( a nice,caring friend who.s tolerating me in the van) `´maybe i should go with the package and say like normaly: "sorry , you like to read?" – "Here is something, you also like, maybe?" and then give him instead of normaly the gita the whole Srimad Bhagavatam ….. hahahaha – then we just distributed normaly but somehow i met a nice boy, 27(took some books gave nice donation)and because he had his own little shop i went to the van and the set standing there looking at me:-) 1h later i took it and went back to the shop – he was busy because every 5minutes some person came for service – but somehow i talked with him in between and listened to him(he read a lot – conspiracy,old christianity,quotes from vedas and so on …) as the shop was empty i showed him the SB-set and explained him something ………he took it gave me 150euro and i came short before we wanted to leave – again 20euro -so at the end he has now BG,Isopanisad SB-Set and Prabhupada Lilamrita and he gave 190euro we stay in contact and want to organize a meeting at his farm……

I thanked krishna and was happy about the realisations – depend on krishna and try something new – take time for some people (i talked with him one hour and then i asked him first!! and be detached and friendly if first they say no – try again!!

sankirtan is realy excitung and i pray or your blessings that i can stay on the street in hard times and get purified – i wish you nice realisations

Author: admin

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