Krsna sends a Hare Krishna to the preaching center

A really nice, young African-American man, a hip-hop artist with dreadlocks and a tattoo, from our neighborhood walked in for lunch and said, “I’m a Hare Krishna. What religion y’all practice?”

Just to tease him, I asked, What is a Hare Krishna?

He says, “It’s the original consciousness.

I asked how he became a Hare Krishna.

He said that he found the audio of Srimad Bhagavatam online and he’s listening to the Ninth Canto.

So I pointed to the bookshelf and told him, “Those are the Srimad Bhagavatam books.”

He was like, “No way! You can’t be serious. Y’all Hare Krishna too?”

All of us were laughing hard.

He said “I’m about to become free from the modes of material nature. I have some questions about that.”

I invited him and his wife to come for the kirtan and a reading on Thursday so we could discuss more. He also was going to come back with the money to get the full Bhagavatam set. He didn’t have japa beads at this point. He was just singing the mantra all day aloud. We gave him japa beads.

He did come back to purchase a set. That’s when we got the attached picture of him with the books.

Shastra Krit Dasa

Author: admin

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