Let’s make new devotees
I was thinking how wonderful it is that a sinful man like me can be used in the preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada. Krsna Smaranam Prabhu told me: "I wonder where I get the shakti to tell to the people just the right thing while I distribute books." Many of you must have the same experience.
While visiting Padaytra in Czech, Vijaya Prabhu gave a Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture. The purport mentions that a kanistha adhikari doesn't preach, while a madhyama adhikari preaches.
I questioned: How is it possible that I can preach and distribute books if my heart is full of anarthas? Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur comments that till we get free from anarthas, we can't reach the platform of nistha.
He answered: "In one sense we are not the ones who are actually preaching. We are used as instruments by Srila Prabhupada."
It's only by the great mercy of our spiritual masters, Srila Prabhupada, and Krsna that many of us can be used, although we are not on an elevated platform of Krsna consciousness.
We should meditate not only on distributing books but also making new devotees. Krsna reciprocates with the desires of his servants. When I developed just a small desire to meet some potential devotees, Krsna reciprocated and showed me the way to seven people who started seriously practicing Krsna consciousness over five years ago because of book distribution.
There are many positive people unable to seriously practice, but they are our friends. I try to keep in contact with them. I can't consider it my own credit, because I am not advanced. Rather, I thank my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, and Lord Krsna that they give me this nice service. While I observe how these people make advancement in Krsna consciousness, I feel happy that I can be a witness of these miracles.
Your Servant,
Mayapur Chandrodaya Das