Looking Through Death’s Eye


by Vijaya dasa

I was distributing books in Greece on a street full of restaurants with people sitting and laughing at the tables. In the midst of all this was a Rumanian lady looking at the scene, who had a disturbed look on her face. I walked over to her and asked what was up.  She told me that the old man she had been nursing for the last 3 months had just died an hour earlier while looking her right in the eyes. She had looked death in the eye and now she looked around and was seeing so many people trying to enjoy in the midst of all the suffering. I then told her about the soul, reincarnation, and how material enjoyment is useless in comparison with spiritual happiness. Then she took a book, and for a brief moment I got an opportunity to see the temporariness of this fantasmagorical world through the eyes of another soul.

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