Lord Caitanya’s instructions

Lord Caitanya

"It would certainly be a very laborious task to pick the fruits and distribute them alone, and still I suspect that some would receive them and others would not."

"Therefore I order every man within this universe to accept this Krsna consciousness movement and distribute it everywhere to everyone."

"I am the only gardener. If I do not distribute these fruits, what shall I do with them? How many fruits can I alone eat?"

"By the transendental desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, water has been sprinkled all over the tree, and thus there are innumerable fruits of love of Godhead."

"Distribute this Krsna consciousness movement all over the world. Let people eat these fruits and ultimately become free from old age and death."

"If the friuts are distributed all over the world, My reputation as a pious man will be known everywhere, and thus all people will glorify My name with great pleasure."

Adi 9. 34-39.

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