Lord Nityananda encourages the devotees on book distribution

Lord Nityananda

We went to the University of Altiplano, next to the world's highest lake, Titicaca. The lake contains two huge islands at its center. Through its waters navigate commercial and tourist vessels. It marks the border of Peru and Bolivia, which is famous for its icy breezes. Because of that I had trouble keeping my hands out of my pockets long enough to show people the books.

Practically I begged people: “Please take the book. My hands are freezing!”

I felt that my nose would fall off my face.

The day ended with rain at the city center, for me, taking shelter under the roofs of shops. At the end of the busy day I felt ecstatic, but when I got home I found  the young devotees watching spiritual videos. They did not go
out in the rain.

Astasakhi Dasi and I were anxious because the distribution was low overall, though the university was quite good. The new devotees proceeded in a relaxed way. We had many books to distribute, and the days were passing. We still had to cross the border to Bolivia, and we needed to decrease the boxes of books.

That night I dreamed I was on a pier of the lake, moving people to the boats. Suddenly a man asked me who God is. I, pointing to a young man beside me, said, “Look, this person can explain to you better who God is.”

The young man was tall, very fair, with long wavy black hair. He was wearing a blue dhoti with a gold border. He had incredibly beautiful big eyes. He looked at the young man who had asked the question and said to him with his arms raised, “Hari haraye nama krsna yadavaya namah.” (“Just worship Sri Krsna, the deliverer from all suffering, and the beloved of the Yadu dynasty.”)

I was perplexed, and my eyes filled with tears. I saw that he was Lord Nityananda!

My heart was pounding. I woke up abruptly. I was full of emotion. I also woke up the devotees and told them what I dreamed. It felt so real.

I could not stop crying, and they were deeply moved; some of them also began to cry. That day, after the chanting of the holy names, we went out to distribute books with such enthusiasm that we did not stop until the evening. In one day we recovered what we could not do in several days. The ladies were excited. Lord Nityananda shook us from our lethargy.

Thanks, Lord Nityananda, for helping us!

Author: admin

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