Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 19
…letters… …letters… …letters…
Letter from Guy Ralph Hamilla
Thank you Prabhu for that wonderful story. I have felt from the beginning of my process of Krishna Consciousness that Srila Prabhupada brought me to the Temple. When I read Hari Sauri Prabhu's "Transcendental Diary, volume 1", the clear instructions of Srila Prabhupada placed me directly on this path.
His first instruction I began to follow, seemingly from a power that was not me, was to chant the Maha Mantra. Once I began to chant the transformation process began and I have been changed forever. I finished that first book about the travels of Srila Prabhupada in less than seven days. Since then I have read seven other books by him and I am still reading three others.
I have known two devotees for almost five years and one of them preached to me quite often. We both had our own relationship with a “God” and that common topic of discussion went on for quite some time. I had been to the restaurant and the store before but never had gone into the Temple.
I read one book about Srila Prabhupada's travels, his wisdom, and his preaching and his words transformed me. He was and always will continue to be, through his books, a great teacher.
Note: Guy Hamilla is relatively new in Krishna consciousness and is already favored among the devotees in New Dvaraka. He will be hosting the next Sastra Dana program (Friday 21st) and will be inviting all the devotees to bless his home by their presence. To find out the details about the Friday’s program please see the last page of the newsletter.