Los Angeles SD Newsletter
The following are ten verses from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that were spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning of Kali yuga.
Kali yuga began approximately five thousand years ago, and it has a duration of 432,000 years, leaving us with 427,000 till the end of the present age. Within this 432,000 year period, there is a period of 10,000 years that will be a Golden Age. That Golden Age is being described below by Lord Sri Krishna.
Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the perfect abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of Kali? The blessed Lord said: On the earth 5,000 years of Kali will be sinful and sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing. Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship me by My mantra, all those sins will be burnt. There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the [Bhagavata] Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear. Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be nullified by hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner of devotees. Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of Vaisnavas all sins are burnt. O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the presence of Vaisnavas, even though it had been sinful. In the body of my devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother earth becomes pure by the dust of the feet of my devotees. It will be the same in the case of pilgrimage sights and the whole world. Those intelligent worshipers of my mantra who partake My remnants will purify everything. They are more dear to Me than My life, who everyday meditate only on Me. The air and fire become pure simply even by their indirect touch. For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees there will only be one varna [outcaste]. Devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled by Kali.
Saying this Krishna departed.