Los Angeles SD Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 22

Lord Krishna instructing Uddhav

attached is a photo of Sergio Canela and his son (at Govinda's in New Dvaraka)



By Mahat-tattva däsa

I would like to thank all of the devotees like Sergio Canela Prabhu for their supporting the Sastra Dana distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books. It is by their mercy that we are able to engage ourselves and others in devotional activity of giving people a chance to contact the Lord through the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavatam. Generally people are very much attached to the fruits of their labor. My spiritual master use to say that in the material world everyone is suffering economically because everyone is thinking he doesn’t have enough money and therefore endeavors very hard to collect more and more. But as soon as his budget increases, one, being tricked by material energy, increases his needs also. In this way one becomes very attached and thinks he never has enough to be able to give something for the Lord’s cause. Srimad Bhagavatam states (SB 7.6.10): “Money is so dear that one conceives of money as being sweeter than honey.” For this reason in the 11th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam Lord Sri Krishna instructs his foremost devotee, Uddhava, (SB 11.11.41): “Whatever is most desired by one within this material world, and whatever is most dear to oneselfone should offer that very thing to Me. Such an offering qualifies one for eternal life.” Krishna, in Bhagavad-gita (6.1) glorifies such a devotee to be truly renounced. The Lord says anäçritaù karma-phalaà which describes one who is not attached to the fruits of his activities, and sa sannyäsé ca yogé cahe is a true sannyasi or renunciant and he is a true mistic or yogi.

There is a lot of ecstatic and ethusiastic devotees among the Sastra Dana members but I want to especially point out Sergio Canela Prabhu for his so far unparalleled support of our program.

Almost every Sunday you can find Sergio Canela Prabhu helping serve out the Sunday Feast.

Author: admin

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