Los Angeles SD Newsletter, Vol. 4, Issue 11
By Mahat-tattva dasa
A few days ago I went to a Starbucks coffee shop near New Dvaraka to donate some of Srila Prabhupada’s books. I go two or three times a year to this shop to replenish the books we previously donated, because sometimes people steal them from coffee shops. No one should steal, of course, but still we think this is wonderful because it means people are interested in reading them! One of Krishna’s names is Hari, “one who takes away.” Krishna, Hari, takes away material attachments. People may steal a book or two from Krishna, but they don’t know that Krishna will steal their mind, their life, and their everything by making them devotees.
“Whenever Krsna is requested to fulfill one’s desire, He undoubtedly does so, but He does not award anything which, after being enjoyed, will cause one to petition Him again and again to fulfill further desires. When one has other desires but engages in the Lord’s service, Krsna forcibly gives one shelter at His lotus feet, where one will forget all other desires.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.19.27)
So I visited the local Starbucks, maybe for the third time, and struck up a conversation with a young fellow who works there and who I’d never seen before. I showed him the books and told him I donate them to the store a few times a year. As soon as he saw the books, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed: “I know these books. They’re great!” I asked him if he’d read any of them and he said he had, quite a few. He then listed five or six of Srila Prabhupada’s books that he’d read. He also said that people nowadays are very interested in wisdom of ancient Eastern cultures such as the Vedic culture. When I asked where and how he got in contact with Srila Prabhupada’s books, his face turned red. He admitted he’d stolen them from this very Starbucks where he was employed! Jokingly I told him he was a naughty boy, but I would excuse him this time. He laughed and promised that this time he would leave the books the for the costumers to read. I promised to bring some more books for him next time I come. I also gave him my business card so we could stay in touch.
Conclusion: It seems that coffee shops are nice places to receive donated books. I personally saw several people reading books we had donated to coffee shops. Besides that, usually the customers at coffee shops are young and open-minded, the kind of people most receptive to Krsna consciousness. If you know of some coffee shops in your area, please call us, and we will provide you with books to donate to those places.
Thank you and Hare Krishna!