Los Angeles SD Newsletter, Vol. 4, Issue 11
Attach: Librarian at Hannold Library holds just donated Bhagavatams.
From Rambhoru dasi
Mahat-tattva prabhu, I went to the big graduate school library across the street from Claremont School of Theology, and they have also agreed to take a set of Prabhupada’s books. They already have a really old set, but it doesn’t have the last three Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam translated by Hridayananda Gosvami. I will not be going to that school for another week, so if you could get me the books again somehow, and the digital camera, I will get things under way to make sure they get on the shelves. The library is called Honnold Library and is the main library that the seven colleges surrounding it share; Claremont Graduate School, Pomona College, Pitzer College, Claremont McKenna, etc.
Rambhoru dasi