Marathin Highlights
Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Here are some stories for your pleasure from the Rupanuga Vedic College.
Bhakta Gaco(Gatis from Latvia) was distributing books in westport and the books were releasing themselves freely. Twenty dollars for small books, ten dollars for small books and then one lady came out of a clothing store…Bh. Gaco approached her and she said that she had no money. He did not let that bother him as he told her to keep the higher Taste cookbook and if she wants to send in a donation. Then the woman took notice of the hands which were caring the books and the temperature which was making them red. The lady then pulled out from her bag a pair of new gloves that she had just bought for her son. Bhakta Gaco declined being a gentleman and the lady presented the gloves again, so he took them.
In the same area Bhakta Nick(Detroit/Denver) was in pursuit of distributing books and he encountered one woman senior in age. She was smiling at Bhakta Nick approaching and he noticed how she was not stopping. As he reached her she said, "You guys are so cute", and gave him twenty dollars. He then gave her a Bhagavad-gita hard and some other books that slip the memory.
This is something well everything is something. True story…So we had party A, party B, and party C and at the closer of the marathon the darkhorse party went out. This party consisted of Amoghavirya dasa(ACBSP), Saksi Gopal(Bhakta Scott), and Bhakta Ryan (Sankara suta). So they went to a mall that Eka Gauranga(Argentina) said that time forgot. In all regards this mall had very little possibility for making it into the BDS but by the presence of the darkhorse party this is possible. They parked near the mall and Bhakta Ryan and Saksi Gopal decided to chant their rounds while Amoghavirya and an armful of books networked. Magically Amoghavirya returns to the vehicle without the books he left with and this inspires Bhakta Ryan to go out. Bhakta Ryan then met a lady who answered to his request to give a nice donation by telling him to accompany her to find her boyfriend. As they walked she was telling him about her boyfriend and his being a security guard. He thought…"how is this I am walking with a mataji and I am a brahamcari, well nobody knows that in this area, her boyfriends a security perhaps she is going to turn me in, oh well she's nice, he'll probaly be nice and anyway Krishna is in control." Back to the story, Bhakta Ryan and this lady arrive at the Mall office and the lady asks for the security guard and the lady at the desk asks if this is an emergency Ryan's friend says no and over the internal communications network for the security officer to come to the office. The Security guard arrives and his girlfriend hands him the books and tell him "give this guy a donation". The man then pulls out his wallet (the whole time our Bhakta Ryan is in amazment about the whole scene) grabs a ten and then is stopped by his girlfriend as she suggests a smaller denomination. The guard stopped and then looked at the items in his hand and said, "But I'm not a Hare Krishna!" Bhakta Ryan told him that most of the people who give donations are not Hare Krishnas. So in the exchange a few dollars went to Bhakta Ryan and the couple took their books to win. The rest of the night and the following night the darkhorse party rehabilitated this lost mall from the 70's and they were awed by the lightness of security with Amoghavirya distributing books near the person manning the security vehicle and the others distributing throughout the mall
More to come time to go to the evening program…
Your servant,
Jnana-caksus dasa Brahmacari