Mayapura Sankirtan Meetings

BTG Magazine

Here's a few points by some of the speakers at the Mayapura Sankirtana meeting.

The first speaker was yours truly. I mentioned that this year 2004 is a very historical year, being the year that the Maha Panca Tattva appeared in Mayapura. Lord Caitanya is benedicting the world with His transcendental presence, and our duty as as His little servants is to broadcast His message.

I also mentioned that Lord Caitanya is present if we can just remember Him. As it is stated in the CC: kathancana smrte yasmin-If one remembers Lord Caitanya then very difficult things become very easy, and if one forget. Him then very easy things become very difficult. I told one story in this connection. I was distributing at a university at a book table. When I use a table I just set up without asking for permission because if you try to get permission there's a lot of red tape, and most of the time the authorities don't mind if you just set up, our first amendment rights help. But this one time I was sitting at my table distributing when a security officer came and told me I have to get permission from the president of the school to do what I'm doing. So I stopped and was a little frustrated because I was almost positive that I wouldn't get permission. Then I thought of the above verse and I just became absorbed in reciting it over and over again on my way to the presidents office. When I got there I told the secretary I'd like to speak to the president of the university. She asked me to wait and she would be right there. When the president came out I told her what I was doing, distributing the Bhagavad Gita to the students and I was told that to continue I would need her sanction. Immediately she said, "OK". And that was it, I was amazed, and then to top it off the secretary looked at me and said, "there, now that wasn't so hard was it". It was kind of mystical the was she said it, like Lord Caitanya was pleased with how I took shelter of this verse.

Then Vaisesika Prabhu spoke. He told how he came to Krsna consciousness. He was a bit of a mayavadhi. We are all Brahman, I am you, you are me, everything is one. One day one of his friends was walking down the a sidewalk when suddenly someone jumped from behind a mailbox and presented to him a BTG, the devotee sold the BTG to him for 25 cents although he didn't want it. Then he didn't know what to do with it, he thought about his friend that was into this unusual spiritual stuff. He went to Vaisesika's apartment and knocked on the door, he didn't answer. He shouted through the door, "I know you're in there, I have a magazine that I think may like so I'll leave it out here for you". Because Vaisesika was thinking in a very impersonal way, I am you, and you are me so why should I open the door for me. But after his friend left he opened the door to find the BTG on the ground. Vaisesika picked it up and as soon as he saw the picture of Srila Prabhupada he paid obeisances and understood, this is my spiritual master. Shortly after that he met the devotees and joined the temple, he was sixteen.

He told of how he convinces people that say, "I don't read books, pass it on to someone else". He tells them, "that's great, because you don't have to read this book, if you just have it in your house it will bring about good fortune in your life, although you may not see how it's happening. Just like if you if you have a magnet and a piece of iron they will be attracted to each other but do you see the magnetic force that is attracting them? The people say, "No". "So, similarly, you may not see how this book in your house will create good fortune for you but I've seen it again and again, it will. He mentioned one lady that he said this to and about a half hour later she came walking by him, held up the book and said, "It's working, I just got an up-grade on my flight!

Author: admin

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