Medicine in the Form of a Flyer

Medicine in the Form of a Flyer

It was Halloween night and people excited to party were running here and there in ghastly costumes. The train tracks at a certain metro station in Edmonton, Canada were lonely and only a few people walked by periodically. I thought "Srila Gurudeva, I never thought I'd be in this obscure corner of the world. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to give others the chance to read Srila Prabhupada's books."

In a dimly-lit corner of the outdoor platform stood a middle-aged lady. Hardly any of the young people were showing any interest in the books, so I thought to try someone from a different walk of life. She looked like a mother who'd been working hard all day for her family, appearing exhausted and ready to go home. I thought, "Slim chance she'll want to give even a moment's attention to me, but I'll go for it."

It was dark and no one else was around so I approached her as politely as I could. I braced myself for a stern rejection and a disapproving countenance.

She turned to glance at the book and then at me. In a gentle and motherly way she smiled and said, "Is that about Krishna?" She was glowing with appreciation.

I told her that we're trying to perform the most important welfare work by making available the greatest wisdom for human society.

"Twenty years ago I received a flyer from a Hare Krsna," she replied. "Ever since that day I've been vegetarian. I'm glad to finally see one of you again. How much for the book? I'd love to have one." She gave a donation and very sincerely bid me farewell. I had the feeling that my very mother was offering her approval of the path I'd chosen in life.

How much good fortune this fallen servant can observe in the glorious causeless mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai working in such a subtle way. My prostrated obeisances to all the Vaisnava preachers around the world. Please be merciful upon me.

Your Servant,

Dwijamani Gaura das

Author: admin

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