Mercy in Malasia

 Ratha Yatra in Malasia

Preaching in Malaysia is more of an art than in most places. In Malaysia, a Muslim country, devotees are not allowed to distribute books to, or preach to the Muslims, anyone else is OK. If someone from another faith convinces a Muslim to take to another religion there can be trouble both for the person that was converted and to the religion. Even in the times of Lord Caitanya this problem was there with Haridas Thakura, he was a great devotee of Krsna and because of this the Muslim government tried to kill him.

About four months ago a Muslim lady came across a devotee distributing Bhagavad Gitas, she had heard of the Gita and so she wanted to compare the Koran (which she was a very devout follower of) with the Gita. The devotee was a little reluctant to give it to her because he knew it could mean trouble, but then he thought, "Krsna will protect". As she was reading it she would find that, "yes this is also in the Koran", she would read a little further and again she would find more of the same ideas as is in the Koran. But as she continued she would find very interesting concepts that she didn't find in the Koran. By the time she finished the Bhagavad Gita she was convinced that this is the highest truth. Now what to do? She decided to become a devotee, a "closet devotee" that is. Just recently we had the biggest Ratha Yatra in Malasia (there's fifteen a year throughout the county) and this mataji was the main actress in a drama performed after the parade. She was well disguised.

All glories to the distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books!

Author: admin

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