More gitas needed

Singapore's Web site inspires a visitorHere is a touching story about the power of both Srila Prabhupada’s Gita and book distribution.

Three days ago a Jewish neighbor, whom we have not seen for more than ten years, rang our doorbell. She told us that she was moving to a new place a mile away.

Then she said she could not leave without thanking my wife, Krishna Bhakti, for the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, which my wife gave her more than ten years ago. She said that for many years, whenever she had problems or was feeling down, she picked up her Gita and randomly opened it to a page. Just reading it, even if it was not directly relevant to her issue, gave her much peace of mind.

She has now read it a number of times, cover to cover. The change in her personality has been so obvious that her twin sister and 36-year-old nephew also want to read the Gita and keep bothering her to share her copy with them. She feels very possessive of her copy and does not want to give it to them, because she keeps it on her night-table and reads it before going
to sleep.

She asked us whether she was being selfish. Or was being a bad Jew for having so much faith in the Gita rather than her own religious books. She also wanted to know if she needs to convert to Hinduism. We assured her that Gita will make her a better Jew and no need to convert. She gratefully accepted that assurance as well as two copies of Gita we gave her for her sister and nephew.

Your servant,
Rupanuga Dasa
Toronto, Canada

Author: admin

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