More good news out of Tirupati: BTG distribution
Nitya Mukta Dasa's main service is selling BTG subscriptions, and he’s the best in the world. Last year he did 6,320 subscriptions.
He told me he had once gotten a lot of complaints from people that the BTG was not arriving regularly as promised, because the mail service in India is inefficient. He came up with a solution. He found devotees in areas where there are subscribers, and he sent the BTGs to them, and they personally delivered them to the subscribers.
Twice a month Nitya Mukta Prabhu also sends them a packet of Balaji prasad, which touches everyone’s heart. He also visits areas where there are subscribers, and the devotees who hand-deliver the BTGs tell the people that Nitay Mukta Prabhu is coming to visit and invite them to hear about Krsna at a sanga. In this way Nitya Mukta is also cultivating them. He’s a very humble Vaisnava who in a big way is distributing BTG, what Srila Prabhhupada called the backbone of our society.
Your servant,
Vijay Dasa