National Bookdistribution festival in Tirupati
Dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeiances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada. There is a very important national bookdistribution festival organized in Tirupati from 28 jan. till 31 jan. to boost India book distribution.(See details in the general presentation below.) Those of you who feel heart and soul for book distribution and who are close by, please come and join this ecstatic festival, accommodation no problem. We are also inviting HH Bhakti Vikas maharaja. This festival is organized by Vijay prabhu, minister for bookdistribution. Please bookdistributors grace this festival with your presence.
Your servant, Amitakrishna das (sankirtan leader Tirupati).
General message:
Subject: National Bookdistribution festival in Tirupati at the foot of the sacred hills of Lord Venkateshwara in a very green and natural setting: Please send all your interested and dedicated book distributors.
The spiritual potency of real mass distribution of SP books has no comparison with any other preaching program. We all know this very well from our personal experience and from SP quotes.
This national Book distribution festival in Tirupati for the first time so unitedly organized in India can be a catalyst for inspiring mass book distribution for thousands and thousands of “fieldworker's”(bramacari’s. congregation, students and official mailorder).The more bookdistributors present on this festival the more acintya shakti will manifest.
It is just before the GBC and ICC meetings in Mayapur. We have so many devotees now and the result of the festival will be able to create a refreshed Krishna conscious spirit never seen before amongst all layers of devotees and organization. The people in India are really ready to receive Srila Prabhupada and with combined efforts it can become a wave and irresistible chain reaction all over the world. This is my conviction.
It is already 20 January and I realize we started quite late but still many field working senior and junior devotees who have their depth of heart for book distribution can still readjust their schedules to join with many for the national Book distribution festival in Tirupati for the seek of booming the book distribution again in to new heights never seen before. It will be a yearly event minimum.
Important points to discuss: -People are ready!Time is short! -the secret for longtime book distribution and inspiring more and more devotees to go out. -Hundreds and thousands of footsoldiers. -How to set up a succesfull mailorder: BG As It Is get’s more and more deeply respected how to get them out in huge quantities. -paperback and deluxe BG simultaneously available. -1000 booktables like Papavinasanam(in Tirmula) and India will change fastly. -village and smalltown distribution: big success: 80% of people in the villages. -busparties and padayathra’s.
Invitation for in India preaching and travelling maharaja’s and Guru’s: Especially: HH Kavichandra maharaja. HH. Bhakti Vikas Maharaja. HH Jayapataka Swami HH Bhanu Swami HH Sukadeva Swami
Invitation to all active senior bookdistributors. HG Kamalapathi pr from Mayapur HG Vaisnava das from Vrndavana HG Madhusudhana pr from New Delhi HG Padmanabha pr from M’bai.
Invitations for temple presidents and BBT; Especially; HG Shyamananda pr Chowpatti HG Rukmiha pr HG Sankhadari pr HG Sachi Gopinatha pr HG Vedanta Caitanya and Nandagokul pr
For BBT Bhima pr or representative for M’mbai Vijay Govinda pr for Chennai for Bubhaneswara for Mayapur Anandamaya pr for Hyderabad.
HG Vijay pr is looking for more speakers on Bookdistribution katha also I was thinking each temple can speak their experiences during marathon 2003:
*one evening price rewards for Tirupati bookdistributors and eventually other temples *How to achieve our plan of 10 million BG’s *publicity material to encourage the public and devotees to distribute BG AS it Is in mass(paperback and deluxe!) -from BBT -posters like Right medicine For worldpeace and Unity -stickers. *magazine BDmagazine BRHADMRDANGA *film and fotomaterial:billboards.
And of course a lot of Kirtan and very nice prasadam!!! The more preachers present the more ecstasy will be there!! :An unforgettable experience !!
Your Servant,
Amitakrishna Das.