Never in forty years has Bhrgupati seen this happen
At the Sasquatch Music Festival, Bhrgupati Prabhu and I were going from tent to tent distributing books. Thousands of kids had come and set up tents in order to enjoy a weekend of music, drinking, drugs and so on. Bhrgupati and I were marching through the fields when we saw about ten kids partying and yelling. A drunk young man had no shirt on, and in one hand he had a can of beer. He wore sunglasses, and his face was marked with face paint. He stood up on a chair, throwing up his free hand, and shouted "Drink! Drink! Wooooo!"
When I saw this, I thought, "Why bother with these kids? They aren't going to take books. I should just go to the next campsite."
But Bhrgupati said that we should go try, and so we went. As we showed the group the books and explained them, two kids in the group showed great intrest, and everyone else followed suit by showing some interest. They asked many intelligent questions and almost every one of them took a Gita and a Bhagavatam and gave good donations.
Then one of the more interested boys asked Bhrgupati to give a class, and he told all his friends, "Be quiet! Be quiet!"
Bhrgupati quoted the Gita 2.13, dehino smin, and explained how we souls are caught in the cycle of reincarnation and need a relationship with Krsna to go back to the spiritual world. The group listened with interest and attention and asked questions. After fifteen minutes we left. It was amazing to see that such a party could be turned within seconds into a Gita class and that these kids could shift their attention quickly from the material to spiritual.
Bhrgupati Prabhu said, "In 40 years of book distribution, I have never seen that happen."
Bhakta Jacob