New Book Distributors First Taste of Nectar

Daulatabad, Aurangabad

During the December marathon at Daulatabad, Aurangabad . . .

by Rajiev Puri.

Our spot for selling books, a book stall, at Daulatabad (a tourist spot en route to the famous Ellora Ccaves) was the same as last year's. But the vendor crowd around there was unhappy to see us there. When the official in charge came and objected to our stall being put up at the entrance of the fort and asked us to remove it immediately, the vendors supported him and asked us to remove the stall from that spot. They suggested putting it at some far-off spot. Having no options, I moved out and set up the stall at a distant place.

I was discouraged about approaching the Muslim official again to request permission, but I had to go and reason with that ASI (Archeological Survey of India) official. I took a Bhagavat-gita and a Krishna book and entered the ASI office.

I said, "Sir, we organize Prabhupada's book distribution marathon all over the world during December."

"What books?" he asked.

"This Bhagavat-gita and Krishna book and many other books at the stall."

I gave him a Bhagavat-gita. As he was turning pages I said that it is available in Urdu.

He changed completely and said, "You can put up your stall anywhere you want,and bring an Urdu Gita for me. Here is the money for it."

I happily brought my stall back to its old place and went back to the ASI office to deliver the Urdu Bhagvat Gita.

Is this not Srila Prabhupada's magical mercy on us and that ASI official?

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