New Mayapur, a book distribution and farm community needs help

Dear devotees
Jaya Srila Prabhupada

I want to bring to your attention a campaign that has just been launched over the last few days to help maintain the New Mayapur community in France that has now reached a precarious situation.

In this video the devotees nicely explain the situation

and here is the link to the Go Fund Me campaign where you can see an overwhelming support coming in from many devotees around the world. If you are in a position to help please consider doing so. I fully support this campaign as I know the situation on the ground from being in France from 1978 till 1987 and from staying in regular contact with the situation over all these years.

Srila Prabhupada personally installed Sri Sri Krishna Balarama at New Mayapur France in 1976 and he taught the devotees to depend on the land and the cows when he visited. Here you can read some statements from Srila Prabhupada on New Mayapur like this one.

*”This (New Mayapura) is a first-class place. You can develop it into a Vaikuntha. It is already Vaikuntha, Krsna is there. But develop it very nicely, peacefully live. Hundreds of miles away from the hellish cities”*

I close with a message of gratitude from the devotees there.

“Thank you all so much for your wonderful support and contributions. There are no words to describe the love and care devotees are sending our way. We never expected such a response, and are truly humbled to see how ready everyone is to lend a helpful hand when times of need arise. We are reaching one fourth of our goal, in only three days. This is an amazing start, and we are sure we will be able to, all together, meet our deadline.”

Your servant
Visnu Murti dasa

P.S. If you cannot help financially then still consider sending the links to others as they might be in the position to help.

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