On the bus
A Journey in the Dark
Is there anything like a part-time book distributor?
If your answer was yes, think again. All you need is to carry books wherever you go. Who knows? You may end up being an instrument of Lord Krishna's plan to give Krishna consciousness to a wandering soul.
In this story Pancha Pandava Prabhu recalls:
It was my birthday and so I decided to visit my parents in Bhiwandi. I boarded the bus to home in the evening. It was a short journey but it was already dusk when the bus started, and soon darkness enwrapped the world.
I looked around. There were just eight passengers in the bus, all sitting in different corners. I had carried with me 'Path of Perfection' and 'Mukund Mala Stotra'.
"Once a book distributor always a book distributor," I thought. Even during a short journey one may get a chance to distribute Srila Prabhupada's mercy. Since the fading light made reading difficult, I decided to chant. After some time, I stretched my arms while fingering my beads.
Two minutes later, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up. A middle-aged well-dressed man smiled and said, "Can I speak with you?"
"Yes," I answered and made space for him.
"Are you a Hare Krishna devotee?"
He inhaled deeply and spoke, "I know about ISKCON, I have been going to your temple in Juhu for a long time. I have some questions."
He was an intelligent man, a high ranking executive in a big company, and asked very deep questions about the laws of karma and other topics. I was delighted to find a companion with whom I could share my little knowledge of Krishna consciousness. We talked open heartedly, and I explained things for him.
Finally I arrived at my destination.
"I have a gift for you," I said, offering him 'Path of Perfection'. I explained about the book and he readily bought it.
I was delighted; two hours in pure Krishna Katha ending up with distribution of Srila Prabhupada's book. What more could one ask for in a journey!
But a doubt remained.
"How did you know that I was a Hare Krishna devotee?" I asked.
"I was wondering about the questions I asked you while looking out of the window," he replied with a smile. "For a split second, I turned inwards and then I saw you stretching your arms with your beadbag in hand."
Coincidence? Chance? Remember, chance favors a prepared mind.
Every moment offers us an opportunity to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. When we travel we can carry some books with us. Who knows? We could be the next one to meet and help a stranger.