One Essential Point
From Chandrasekhar Acarya dasa (Los Angeles)
One thing that is EXTREMELY vital is that ALL books, including small books, should imperatively have the adresses of all (if not most) of the ISKCON temples in the world (not just in their own country or continent.) I bought a small "Message of Godhead" in the LA airport 7 years ago. I took it to France, and one day, I got the Paris temple number from the back of that small book coming from the North American BBT, I called, and the rest is history. Now, if that small book did not contain the adresses of the temples of the world, I would NOT have joined ISKCON. I see today that many many books, even big books, have NO adresses whatsoever, what to speak of adresses in the local BBT zone, what to speak of the adresses around the world! But it does make a difference, and my life is the proof of that.
hare Krsna.
Your servant,
Chandrasekhar dasa