Lord Nityananda

After some days of procrastination and dealing with an infected tooth, I finally got out to try and distribute some books. I always find it amazing that even though I have been doing it for so many years, and everytime it is bliss, I still find so many excuses to do something else.

The first 30 to 60 minutes were pretty dry. The spot has some pretty down and out people. Gradually some were taking and as I got rolling the donations were OK.

After a few days of rain and meeting devotees, I managed to get out again today. At first now even the down and outs were there, but it picked up. I kept praying to Lord Nityananda, who is the only hope for me, and for the fallen souls. My mind was distracted after talking to two devotees who previously distributed many books. One wants nothing to do with devotees. The other wants to be with devotees but somehow is not allowed to distribute books, although he can collect laxmi very strongly. Gradually I focused on how much the conditioned souls need books and was happy even if somone just touched the books. One crazy drunk tried to talk one nice boy out of taking the book, but somehow he wanted KRSNA. Then one nice businessman started chanting Hare Krsna and was very much interested. He wanted the books and gave 10,000 yen (about 90 US dollars). I asked him where he learned the mantra and he said "Boy George". Bow down mister! That is for me. we are not the doers.

Lord Caitanya always shows me how much He wants the books distributed. The are no material solutions and there are no material impediments.

Text Six

kabe nityananda, more kori 'doya, charaibe mora visayera maya diya more nija-caranera chaya, namera hatete dibe adhikar


kabe–when?; nityananda–Lord Nityananda; more kori' doya–being merciful to me; chadaibe mora–He will release me; visayera maya–from the illusion of worldliness; diya more–having given me; nija-caranera chaya–the shade of His own feet; namera hatete–into the marketplace of the holy name; dibe adhikar–He will allow me to enter.


When will Lord Nityananda show mercy upon me, when will I reject the world of maya? Bestow unto me the shade of Your lotus feet, let the right to preach the name be mine. When, oh when will that day be mine?


Author: admin

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