Patita Pavana in Perangud

Karmic Reactions

During the last marathon, Bhakta Rajeshs risk paid off. Shuttling constantly between Pune and Mumbai, he has the best of devotee friends in both places. Prompted by some enthusiastic brahamacharis, he too joined the book marathon.

One evening at Perangud, a small town on the outskirts of Pune, he ventured to the busy market areas. He got a mixed response as he slowly moved amongst the various vegetable vendors, engrossed in bargaining with unyielding housewives on their daily grocery. He too was immersed in showing books to all and a little while later he found himself deep inside the market and had unknowingly reached a lane that was exclusively selling meat and fish. As he looked around, there were butchers lined up in their nauseating little shops, stinking like hell. On the other side were fisher women, heckling and fighting and with their huge overpowering personalities, they drove away any prospective trouble monger.

Wasting no time, Bh Rajesh fled. A thought however raced across his mind, prompting him to slow down, "Probably these people need Srila Prabhupada's books more than anyone else". Aware of the dangers of hanging around in such a sinful place, he hurried through, still reluctant and showing books only half heartedly.

To his great surprise however, one after another, almost all the animal slaughterers there called him in and took many copies. Even the fisher women, usually foul mouthed and indiscriminately abusive in their dealings, were polite and also asked for the books. One man, Bh Rajesh recalls, was particularly remorseful. Hearing about the severe karmic reactions awaiting him after death, he was sorry about his profession and honestly desired to give up this heinous practice, a part of his family life for many generations now. He alone took books worth Rs 400/-!! and also promised to chant Hare Krishna.

A little risk within the safety valve of the association of strong devotees does no harm. On the contrary, it enables us to reach wider and get more conditioned souls into the all-embracive mercy of Lord Chaitanya.

Jaya Gauranga!!

Author: admin

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