Peacock feather

Peacock Feather

Yesterday I was distributing books on the busiest street in Melbourne City center when I saw a young man coming along with a peacock feather in front of his cap. I stopped him and said "Hey, is that a peacock feather?" He said "Yes, just like what Krsna wears". I said, "Yes, and where did you get it from?" The man replied, "I have a friend that lives far away on a farm and there are many peacocks roaming about, I got a feather from there."

I had a Science of Self Realisation and I showed the front cover and said "See this Personality also has peacock feather on top of His crown". The man asked "Oh, is it Krsna?" I replied, "No He is Visnu, one of the expansions of Krsna and the difference is that Visnu has four arms with different symbols but Krsna has two with a flute." The man further asked whether the book was about yoga as he was interested in yoga and meditation. I showed him the contents and asked for a donation. The man gave 15 dollars and said, "Oh, its incredible, I was walking and trying to remember the mantra Hare Krsna Hare Krsna… and I met you."

The guy already had a commentary on Bhagavad Gita (by some Swami), but I think after reading SSR he will surely get Srila Prabhupada's mercy.

Hare Krsna

Your Servant

Bhakti Sara Dasa (Melbourne)

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