Placing the Smart Boxes
After creating the boxes they need to be placed in appropriate places. Here’s a step by step guide.
Make A List
Create a list of potentially good places for placing the boxes. ISV has had success placing boxes in the following locations:
1. Indian Grocery Stores
2. Indian Restaurants
3. Hair and Nails Shops
4. Vietnamese Restaurant
5. Boutique shop
6. Chinese Restaurant
7. Electronics Store
8. Dry cleaning and alteration shop
9. Tax services office
10. UPS store
11. Deli Sandwich place.
Indian stores and restaurants are the prime category and are the most receptive. But non-Indian locations can also be convinced to accept the Smart Box in their establishment.
Most stores which are part of a large franchise company (for example, gas stations, 7/11’s or other convenience stores, motels, etc.) usually do not allow any literature other then their own.
Stores which are privately owned by individuals have worked best for us so far. Familiarity with the location owners definitely helps in getting their approval.
Place with the Owner/Manager
First, it is best to go with the smart box in hand. The owner/manager can see how much space it will occupy and you can complete the installation in one step.
Ten Steps to Placing a Smart Box
1. Enter the store and ask to speak to the owner or head manager. When you meet the "decision maker," greet him or her warmly, introduce yourself by name and organization ("I'm with a local non-profit named ISKCON) and then tell him or her that you are a volunteer working for a special project to spread world peace by distributing spiritual knowledge.
2. Explain that many stores in the local area and across America are participating and that all that it requires is placing one of our small boxes in their store so that people can take home some literature about spiritual yoga, meditation and self-improvement. (It's best to have a picture of a few of the boxes that you've already placed in other stores along with the names of the stores.)
3. Say, "In the world today, we have made many technological advances but these have not solved the world's problems or made people happier." Stress that the main thing missing in people's lives is spiritual knowledge and the wisdom that teaches us how to be happy from within.
4. For non Indian locations, explain how the books are based on ancient Vedic texts and that they are used in universities and have been read by great scholars like Einstein and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
5. Describe that there is a small donation box along with the books, so if someone wants to donate, he can put money in the box. Point out that the donation is voluntary and goes for printing and distribution. In other words there is no commercial, profit making motive. You can also emphasize that when people give something in return for spiritual knowledge they get one thousand times the benefit when they read it.
6. Tell them that they do not have to worry about the box; we will go there regularly and check if more books are needed and so on.
7. If they are favorable and want you to place the box, go to your car and get the box and bring it in for placement.
8. Go for a prominent spot so that will see it easily. A place near the cashier is ideal, as people can have a look at the books while waiting to make the payment. (Often times they already have a designated area for these kinds of things. That's Okay too as long as the Smart Box can been seen.)
9. Give them prasadam and copy of the Bhagavad gita, or another book of their choice.
10. Congratulate them for participating in a program that will help make the world and better place.
Once you have set up the box, put some money in the donation box to start with. This will encourage other people to put in more as they take the books.
And most important, offer the owner/manager and all employees some of your best, specially prepared prasadam.
Finally make sure to invite them to your temple programs, give your contact details and ask him/her to contact you if there is any problem.