Prabhupada Marathon

Prabhupada Book Marathon

By Vijaya Dasa

Dear Vaisnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

That most auspicious time of the year, the Prabhupada Marathon, is coming to us very soon. The Prabhupada Marathon is total bliss. Why? Because this sankirtan movement is as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “anandambudhi vardanam” it is an ever expanding ocean of bliss. It’s an oportunity to imerse ourselves in giving Krsna to others. Srila Prabhupada very nicely says in a purport of the Srimad Bhagavatam, “A Krsna conscious person should free himself from the clutches of maya, and he should also be compassionate to all others suffering in these clutches. The activities of the Krsna consciousness movement are meant not only for oneself but for others also. This is the perfection of Krsna consiousness. One who is interested in his own salvation is not as advanced in Krsna consciousness as one who feels conpassion for others and who therefore propagates the Krsna consciousness movement. Such an advanced devotee will never fall down, for Krsna will give him special protection. That is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement. Everyone is like a play toy in the hands of the illusory energy and is acting as she moves him. One should come to Krsna consciousness to release oneself and also to release others.”

This is the mood of Srila Prabhupada, he wants what Krsna wants. Krsna wants his parts and parcels to be happy again. Srila Prabhupada once said in a lecture that when some part of our body is injured all of our attention goes to that part of the body to somehow solve the problem. Similarly we are part of Krsna and we are injured by material desires. This gives pain to Krsna therefore He tries to solve the problem by coming Himself, by leaving His instructions and by sending His pure devotees. When we go out on sankirtan we are giving pleasure to Krsna because we’re trying to releave Him of the pain He experiences by seeing His parts and parcels suffer. We have heard that a devotee is para dhuka dhukhi, when He sees others suffer it gives pain to Him, this is also the case with Krsna. So during this marathon let’s try to give pleasure to Krsna by giving this mercy in the form of Prabhupada’s books to as many condictioned souls as possible.

Krsne matir astu.

Your servant, Vijaya Dasa

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