Praying to become Srila Prabhupada’s instrument on book distribution
Before I go out on book distribution, every time I make sure that I pray to Srila Prabhupada and all the acaryas. Doing so, I feel confident that I can distribute many books, and praying also helps me remain conscious that I am not the doer.
One day, it so happened that all my friends went on harinama, and I was alone. To save time, I offered prayers mentally. I didn’t physically go to Srila Prabhupada’s murti and pray. Then, as usual, after reaching the first traffic signal, I started showing books to the people who had stopped at the light. To my surprise, not a single person looked at the books. I became disappointed and didn’t know what to do. My friend Sadbhuja Prabhu was here, and he suggested that I better go back to the temple and offer prayers.
I rushed back and went in front of Srila Prabhupada. After offering sincere prayers, I returned to the location. To my astonishment, I saw books flying out of my hands. Even without my approaching people, they were asking me for books. One lady not only opened her car window but offered an extra donation after buying a set of three books.
I again realized that Srila Prabhupada is actually distributing the books. We just have to become instruments in his hands.
Raghunatha Puri Dasa