Purchasing and Assembling Smart Boxes

Smart Boxes are assembled from readily available acrylic display components. For your convenience we have put together purchasing and assembly instructions for two standard systems with components from Beemak Plastics:

Beemak Plastics, Inc.
13921 Bettencourt Street Cerritos,
CA 90703
Ph: 800-421-4393,
Fax: 310-764-0330

If you would like to experiment with other configurations you can choose from a complete catalog of their products online at www.beemak.com (click on download catalog from the main menu). You can also order a free catalog by mail from their site. Be sure to measure the dimensions of the books you want to display and order a rack accordingly. If you need help with designing larger units, email us atsmartbox@friendsofthebbt.org.


A standard smart box consists of:
1. One or more Literature Holders
2. A donation box.
3. A graphic display frame, which holds a graphic to draw people’s attention.

The base Model 1 is the current model, tested in the field by Team ISV. The original model had a larger donation box but the lock was not sturdy enough and there was a case of pilfering. This current model is both secure and convenient and can hold 15-20 small books or 3 soft-bound Bhagavad-gitas.

The larger Model 2 can hold twice the number of books and is meant for high volume locations.
The components for these 2 models can be combined into other varieties. For example Model 1 can be expanded to have two literature holders with the donation box in the middle.

In places where the donation box is secure but the money is not frequently collected a larger box can be used called the CBS-C (see appendix).


The components for both models can be ordered online at www.beemak.com using the model specification sheets in this guide.

Simply type in the Beemak Model No. from the sheet into their web site search box and you can then select the item for your shopping cart. Be sure to order the same quantities for each component.

There is no minimum quantity when you order online, but the total order must be at least $25 before shipping.

Beemak provides a 20% discount to non-profits if you order in case lots. These orders must be sent by faxing a purchase order mentioning the discount.

If you do not order a full case you have to pay a $20 fee. The case lots and prices can be found in our abridged price list in the appendix.

Assembling the Smart Box

The components come separately and must be connected. For this purpose, we have found Scotch Mounting Squares (double sided adhesives), available in any office supply store, to be effective.


The donation box has a header to hold a 5” x7” graphic. You can make your own graphic or download our graphic templates fromwww.friendsofthebbt.org/smartboxguide.

The graphic design should be printed with the correct dimensions, so that it will fit just right in the graphic display frame.

Make sure to put your contact information on the reverse of the graphic, with details on who to contact if the box needs refilling before your scheduled visit.


Choose an assortment of small books (see our recommended list) and rubber stamp or label them with the temple address and contact information.

Place appropriate price tags on them and arrange them in the book rack either before or after delivering it to the location. Team ISV recommends Avery Item 5462 – CC Round 3/4" Yellow for Laser/Ink Jet available at Office Depot and other major office supply stores or online.