Radharani’s favorite flower

“Dear Radharani, no-one can attract Krishna's glance without your blessings, kindly help me to understand how I can follow in Your footsteps and make Krishna my only aim. I’m so impersonal I barely notice you as Krishna’s most beloved”

Setting up my book box at Henderson, I meditated on the one and only point I could remember from Prana Prabhu’s class that morning at the Temple – Radharani’s favourite flower is Jasmine.

Removing a Srimad Bhagavatam from the box I approached my first exchangee for the day. Placing the book in her hand I said “This book is about love. The woman depicted on the cover is called Radharani and believe it or not it’s Her birthday today. What’s your name?”

“Jasmine” she replied.

I must have looked quite a sight stammering for words behind a calm front as Jasmine took Radharani in Her book form with her and disappeared into the crowd.

Your servant,

Gopesvari dasi

Author: admin

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