Really Good Energy

Distributing at Fullerton College in southern California, I motioned a student to come to my table. He came over, and I showed him illustrations and told him about the Bhagavad Gita.

He was interested, but then he said, "Yeah, it's interesting, but not today, maybe another time."

I said a few more persuasive things: "A wise man once said, 'If you don't learn something new about life every day you waste that day." And "There's always more to learn right? But you won't learn about these things in any courses at this university."

"What you're saying is true, but maybe another time."

Then he walked away. He went only about 10 meters away and was texting someone. There must of been something that I could have said that would take him that extra inch to take a book. Then I thought of something else that might work.

I called him over, "Hey, Gabi, come over here. I have something else to tell you."

He came over, and I said, "Do you know why I called you over?"

"No. Why?"

"Because you have good energy."


"Oh, yeah. As soon as I saw you I thought, 'He's got good energy.' And this book Bhagavad Gita is filled with good energy, so it's a good match. You have good energy, the book has good energy. So I think you should get it."

"OK, I will."

He happily took the book and went on his way.

This is a good thing to say to people to help them along in getting a book. And it's true. The Supersoul is in everyone's heart. The soul is also there, but covered, so there is so much good energy.

People like to hear good things about themselves, and therefore Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati says dante nidhaya trinakam padayor napatya: "Taking a straw in my teeth and falling down at your feet a hundred times, flattering you, I want to submit something."

Naturally the man will be inclined to hear what you have to "submit".

"All right, say it. What do you want?"

"You are a nice man, a great man, but kindly forget what you have learned and take shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprubhu."

By Vijaya Dasa

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