Results from 32 Years of Sweet Rice Prasad

Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers

by Mishra Bhagavan dasa

Recently, I went out on sankirtan alongside a Harinama party in London, and I handed a Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers to a man and his wife from Libya. He told me that he could not buy a book from us because he was a Muslim. I said, "This book is for anyone, whether they are a Muslim, Christian, or Hindu, because God is none of those." He paused as he looked over the book and the devotees chanting Hare Krishna then he handed me a few pounds, and took the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.

I do not know if any of the books I have ever distributed were ever read, or if they had any effect at all. I would like to think they did, but how to tell? One thing that I do know is that because someone went out on sankirtan in the miserable winter of 1973, at the Pomona 'Zodys' store, I have had 32 years of sweet rice prasadam.

All glories to the Sankirtan devotees!

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