Road side Cherry Sellers get mercy

Beyond Birth and Death

Continuing our book distribution effort in Seattle, I keep book boxes and book distribution bags in my car. On the way back from the office (Microsoft) to my home, near the exit of I-90, I saw on the roadside a cherry stall. Gopala Krsna Maharaja was going to give a Bhagavatam class the next morning at the temple, so I thought I should stop and get some organic cherries to offer to Sri Sri Radha Neela-Madhava and Maharaja.

Before I went to the cherry seller, I took a couple of books to show him. By the Lord's arrangement, the cherry salesman said, "Namaste."

Suprised, I happily responded, "Hare Krsna."

After getting cherries, I showed him the Bhagavad Gita and other books. He said he is really busy in the summer and will not have time to read a big book.

Then I told him, "You may take a small book."

He took The Perfection of Yoga and donated. He is going to visit our temple in Redmond.

Monday, June 4th:

In continuation of Madhava-Gopinath's and my book distribution at Alki Beach on Saturday, again today, when I was coming back from my son's school, we saw a cherry stall on a local road. I stopped there to get some cherries to offer to my Gopala diety at home. Before I approached the old lady selling the cherries, I took a small Bhagavad Gita and The Perfection of Yoga. After getting the cherries, I showed her Bhagavad Gita and explained for a minute. She was very patiently listening.

As I was showing her the paintings, I came to Srila Prabhupada's picture. I intensely prayed to Srila Prabhupada to inspire this lady to take his mercy. Then I showed her the picture of reincarnation and also explained a verse about knowledge (7.2).

Meanwhile, other buyers came to get cherries. The old lady asked me to please wait. When she came back, I told her that this is the best book she can ever read and this is just for a simple donation from her heart.

She said, "I am just working at this road side stall. I do not have much."

I told her that anything she wanted to offer for the priceless wisdom from God Himself would be all right. She looked back in her bag and came up with ten single dollar bills. I gave her Bhagavad Gita and Beyond Birth and Death. She was really happy to receive both.

Srila Prabhupada, ki Jay! Book Distribution, ki Jay!

Looking forward to more reciprocation from Lord Caitanya during the summer sankirtan at Seattle!

Your Humble Servant,

Veda Narayana Dasa

Author: admin

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