Sankirtan in Dhotis and Sankirtan Meditation

Sankirtan festival

On the skt festival in Simhacalam in Germany which was held at the end of December we had a very nice association with Anakadundubhi prabhu from Italy. He is distributing books for many years only in dhoti. This marathon he distributed more than 4 000 maha-big books door to door of course in dhoti.

In this connection I want to add a small realisation. Once during skt meeting here in Czech Rep. Gurumaharaja told us that as we worship the pictures of our spiritual masters we can also worship the pictures or meditate upon those great skt devotees who are very sincerely distributing Srila Prabhupadas books for many many years without stopping. This week one afternoon I was distributing in one block of flats which has three entrances. Hardly somebody take book and when I finished the block I had still 30 min. to our regular end. My score for the whole day was something like 20 books. Then I decieded to make one entrance again trying to memorize where the people were not at home before. Then I remember that it is auspicious to meditate upon great skt devotees and to my mind comes Anakadundubhi prabhu with whom I spoke some days before. So I start to remember him with mood of praying to him for mercy and in these 30 minutes I distributed 10 books incluiding 3 Bhagavad-gitas.

So sometimes when we feel that we are alone and that skt is hard we can also remember many skt heroes who are at the same time on the battle field around the world distributing Srila Prabhupada's books to the conditioned souls.

Hare Krsna your servant Gadadhara dasa

Author: admin

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